Big Book Sale 2014The Friends of Fondulac District Library BIG Book Sale returns June 20 and June 21 at the library! Excellent hardback and paperback books for all ages will be sold at a reasonable prices on Friday, June 20, from 10 am to 5:30 pm and Saturday, June 21, from 9 am to 3 pm. Shoppers also have the chance to win one of several door prizes donated by East Peoria businesses. After the Big Book Sale, the remaining paperback books will be boxed and mailed to military facilities to support the U.S. Armed Forces and their families using the non-for-profit organization Operation Paperback.

The Friends group maintains a ongoing book sale, as well, at the library. The ongoing sale is open anytime the library is. The Friends accepts donations of books, movies, or music at the library at any time. The Friends of Fondulac District Library is dedicated to supporting the library through advocacy, financial support and volunteerism. Please contact the library at 699-3917 to learn more about this organization, the Big Book Sale, or to donate items.