Putting items on hold at FDL

Chances are, you’ve come into FDL all excited to check something out, only to find that we don’t have it or someone else has already checked the item out. That’s just the nature of libraries. I write a bit on what it means to put an item on hold here. But I thought I would revisit the subject and simplify since we put items on hold for our patrons all day every day. Basically, when a patron asks for an item, there are four general outcomes.

  1. FDL has the item. You can walk into the library, pick up the item, check it out, and be on your way!
  2. FDL owns the item, but someone else has checked it out. Boo. Well, that’s what the items in the library are for. At this point, you can ask the librarians at the upstairs information desk what’s going on with the item, and we can give a general answer. We also ask if you would like to put this item on hold. As stated above, we put items on hold all day every day. Sometimes patrons worry that this is extra trouble for us – believe me when I say that it is 100% no trouble for us to put an item on hold for you. And if we already own the item, it doesn’t cost us extra money either. Putting something on hold will guarantee that you eventually get to take that item home.
  3. FDL does not own the item but someone in the RAILS system does. RAILS consists of a large group of libraries in the general central IL area. FDL has an agreement with the other libraries in RAILS where we can borrow their items for you and they can borrow our items for their patrons. Borrowing items from other libraries in RAILS is also absolutely no problem for us – again, we do it all the time. It’s also still no extra cost to us or to you. Borrowing from within RAILS system is one of the perks of having a library card.
  4. FDL doesn’t own the item and neither do any of the other libraries within RAILS. This is a total bummer, but not all libraries can carry all things. When this happens, we might ask you if you want us to try to put a hold on it outside of “the system.” By system, we mean RAILS. And at this point, we also ask if you are a Fondulac card holder. First looking for and placing a hold on an item outside of RAILS is still no trouble for us. It’s part of our job and we would love to do this for you. However, it does cost money and that’s why we ask if you’re an FDL card holder. You have to have an FDL card to put a hold on an item from outside of RAILS through FDL. But, if you’re not an FDL card holder, you can still take advantage of this service – just through the library from which you have your card.

I hope this is a little bit helpful for you – our patrons. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Post by Carey Gibbons, Reference Specialist

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