David SedarisAuthor Spotlight – David Sedaris

Happy David Sedaris book day! Every so often, when a new book comes out by a not super prolific but big name author #FDL will do an author spotlight and today’s spotlight subject is David Sedaris. His new book, Theft By Finding: Diaries (1977-2002) came out today and the book world is excited. This book deviates a little from Sedaris’s essay collection format as it focuses on his more organic journal entries. Sedaris is known for turning his seemingly random observations into well-crafted essays but this collection is more raw, comprising of original note taking and observation. Whether you pick up this book as your first Sedaris experience or are a long time fan, reading his work is always a special experience. The following are my three favorite books by Sedaris:

  1. Naked. This was the first Sedaris book I ever read when I was in my late teens. I fell instantly in love because Sedaris comes from the same small town in upstate NY that I do. This essay collection is largely devoted to Sedaris’s post college life and his travels and odd job work experiences. But he covers a lot of topics from early childhood to his large family, to coming out.
  2. Me Talk Pretty One Day. This is probably my favorite Sedaris book because of his observations on language both as a young kid with a lisp and as an adult learning French as a second language. It also has in it one of my all time favorite essays, “Jesus Shaves.” How do you explain complex concepts to someone in a language that you can barely speak?
  3. Holidays on Ice. This is Sedaris’s Christmas themed collection. It’s a mix of fiction and non-fiction and includes the piece that made him famous – “The Santaland Diaries,” about his time as an elf in Macy’s Santaland.

Post by Carey Gibbons

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