The next time you are looking for a new book, try one of these websites that many librarians love.

Goodreads  Goodreads is a large community of readers and authors. It’s full of book recommendations and reviews.   As a reader myself, I use Goodreads to keep track of the books I have read and want to read.  I no longer make paper reading lists that go missing or get buried in my bag.  I also love reading book reviews on the site.  I’ve never written one myself, but many members enjoy doing this.  Goodreads is also a space where you can connect with friends, join an online bookclub, or get book recommendations based on your reading preferences. It also has a handy app that can be downloaded to a smartphone.

LibraryThing is an online community that can help you to catalog your own book collection.  Just enter title, author, or ISBN information and start a collection.   You can import book information from multiple sources.  A free account allows you to add 200 books, while a paid subscription gives you an unlimited number. It is also a social space where you can find book reviews and other people who have similar tastes in reading.

KDL This database is a librarian’s secret weapon when it comes to knowing what books are in a particular series and their reading order.  A search can be done by author, series name, or title in the series.  KDL is very frequently updated to reflect the most current publications within a particular series, which is a big plus for this database.  You can also print books lists from printer-friendly links provided.


Post by: Susie Rivera, Reference Specialist

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Welcome to #FDL! #FDL is a twice weekly update on all things Fondulac District Library and East Peoria. Twice a week, library staff will make posts that highlight some aspect of library life and relate it to you – our readers. Have you ever wanted to know which Dewey number represented a certain topic? Are you looking for book recommendations based on your favorite television show or television recommendations based on your favorite book? Have you ever wondered about the secret details of librarian life? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then #FDL is for you. We look forward to writing posts that are informative and entertaining and hope that you enjoy getting better acquainted with Fondulac District Library.