Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo

Reviewed by: Diane Soffietti, Reference Assistant

Genre: Mystery/thriller or Suspense fiction

Suggested Age: Adult

What is the book about?: Without giving too much of the plot away, Kate Burkholder is the chief of police in a small Ohio community with an Amish presence. Her home town is suffering a repeat of gruesome murders of young women. Kate, as an Amish teenager, had also experienced the serial killer on her family’s farm, and this has led her in a totally different direction with her life. Now that the murders have started again, Kate is trying to keep her secrets from city officials and the police staff and also keep her community safe.

My review:  If you like to read mysteries which have a strong heroine and an urgency to discover the murderer or villain, then this series is just for you. Sworn to Silence is the first in a series of mysteries that a co-worker recommended to me when looking for something new. Boy, I was glad she did! This is a real page turner with twists and turns, dark secrets and unusual characters. Kate is a wonderful, strong, and yet flawed heroine. You will be cheering for her to find the killer and survive! And maybe you will want the next book in the series, too! (It is Pray for Silence.)

If you like reading this series, maybe you would also like to read Julia Spencer-Fleming’s Reverend Clare Fergusson and Police Chief Russ Van Alstyne series set in the Adirondack mountain town of Millers Kill, New York. These are also so very good to enjoy on a cold winter’s night.

Heads up: This book contains graphic murder scenes. This is not an Amish cozy mystery.

Rating: 4/5

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