Cover image for Daughters Unto DevilsDaughters Unto Devils by Amy Lukavics

Reviewed by: Dawn Dickey, Reference Assistant

Genre: Horror

Suggested Age: Teens and Adults

What is the book about?: Daughters unto Devils opens with sixteen-year-old Amanda telling about her romance with the postboy, Henry. Amanda does not fear the consequences in light of what happened the previous winter. A harsh winter had trapped the family in their cabin for months on end, and the resulting cabin fever makes Amanda believe that she lost her mind and saw the “devil in the woods.” With the prospect of another harsh winter, Amanda’s Pa moves the family of seven to a larger cabin on the prairie. When they arrive at the abandoned cabin, however, they discover that the wooden floor has been torn out. But the lack of flooring cannot hide the stench, nor can it hide the blood-spattered walls. The family concludes that an animal must have been slaughtered in the cabin … or has it? Soon it is apparent that there is evil around and within.

My Review: Horrifyingly scary and graphic, with gruesome happenings, possessions (note the title, Daughters unto Devils), and more frightening things than you can imagine could be packed into this slim book. A great read for teens or adults who like scary tales, and this new book was released just in time for Halloween! Available as an eBook.

Rating: 4/5

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